Aikido Aikikai Hombu Dojo Visual Timetable
This is a visual version of Aikido Aikikai Hombu Dojo's lesson schedule and instructor timetable in both English and Japanese.
Hombu's live calendar (found here) is checked periodically to confirm the schedule. This calendar is completely automatic and uses language heuristics to determine the time and teacher for a given class.
Original Creator: - Eric Draken (
Change Log
- 2024.07.06
- Code ported to
- 2021.08.15
- hombutimetable.test is back online
- 2016.07.31
- Moved hombutimetable.test to a faster server
- Added Satodate Sensei
- 2014.12.16
- Added Tokuda Sensei
- 2014.05.25
- Updated the timetable to work with Hombu's new web site
- 2012.04.09
- The previous day is now shown in a simple format
- 2012.04.02
- Times are arranged in rows now
- More ajax passive loading
- The current day is automatically refreshed every few minutes
- 2012.03.31
- Showing 3 weeks of instructors
- Sunday regular classes at 15:00 are on the 2nd floor
- 2012.03.23
- Added pictures of Hombu instructors
- 2012.03.13
- Version 2 - Complete redesign without Google's heavy JavaScript calendar
- 2012.02.29
- Added list of Hombu instructors and their nearest upcoming lessons (scanning two months ahead).
- 2011.12.12
- Handles multi-day events like New Year's Eve practice now
- 2011.10.19
- Deleted events on Hombu's calendar are now removed automatically
- 2011.08.05
- Set Women's Special Course to the 3rd floor
- A heuristic for unusual schedule data entry has been created
- 2011.07.26
- Added language auto-detection.
- Beginners Sunday classes are now correctly on the 4th floor
- 2011.07.21
- Added Japanese schedule
- 2011.07.15
- Initial demonstration of the calendar (beta)