2018 Taipei Aikido Seminar - Dominique Sensei

Aikido seminar poster


Added by @michael • 7 years ago

Sensei Aikido

8 Sep 2018 - 9 Sep 2018 Taiwan

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Dominique Rascle

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Dominique Rascle

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Dominique Rascle

Dominique Rascle Sensei is 6 dan Aikikai Sensei from Lyon France with more than 30 years experience in Aikido. This will be the 4th year to invite Dominique Sensei holding 2 days Aikido Seminar in Taipei. Please fill in the following information to complete your registration. (Dominique 老師是來自法國里昂的合氣會六段老師,有30年以上的資歷並常年在歐洲與亞洲許多國家教學,今年是他第4次來台灣開為期2天的合氣道講習會,請填寫或勾選以下聯結表單完成報名程序。)



Please refer to the schedule and location below(目前擬於臺灣大學綜合體育館B1柔道室進行本次講習會):

A, 2018/9/8, 9:00 ~ 12:00, 14:00 ~ 17:00 Judo Dojo, B1 NTU Sports Center,(國立臺灣大學綜合體育館,台大新體B1柔道室) 60 attendees max.

B, 2018/9/9, 9:00 ~ 12:00, 14:00 ~ 17:00 Judo Dojo, B1 NTU Sports Center,(國立臺灣大學綜合體育館,台大新體B1柔道室) 60 attendees max.

There will be also weapon training this time, please carry your Ken & Jo with you. 本次講習會將會上武器課,請攜帶劍杖。

The early bird registration fee for this Aikido Seminar are: 600 per day. 1000 for 2 days full seminar,Starting from 2018/5/1~ 30(Students get 50% discount)(Regular register fee are: 700 per day. 1200 for 2 days). 早鳥報名費優惠報名自5/1~30截止,分為: 全天: 600元,兩天全程參與: 1000元;在校學生一率半價。 早鳥報名優惠期限後,報名費為單日: 700元,2天1200元。

Please, complete the payment and fill the registration from below. Deadline for early bird registration is 2018/5/30. Bank account for money transfer is (822) 495540059168 (CTBC Bank).

麻煩完成報名費繳款並填寫下方報名表單,早鳥報名優惠截止日期為2018/5/30,繳款銀行帳號(中信商銀): (822)495540059168。

Money transfer can be performed from any bank to CTBC bank (beneficiary name: Liu HuiZhi) or at ATM machine. Please, keep the money transfer statement and provide the last 5 digits of your account for confirmation of payment



We also welcome your donation to support us on this activity. (如果您願意樂捐贊助本次講習會,贊助金額可連同報名費一起匯入,我們非常感謝!)

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